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Jackson Avenue, Hempstead, NY: Reconstruction
Gedeon GRC Consulting provided construction inspection services for the reconstruction of Jackson Avenue in Hempstead, NY.

Funded by the NY Rising Community Reconstruction (NYRCR) Program of the New York State Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery (GOSR), this project was an effort to protect the residents, private properties, and public infrastructure from flooding in an area that was inundated during Superstorm Sandy, Hurricane Irene, and thereafter, improvements were made to the storm water drainage system and roads were raised to elevations to sufficiently meet Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA’s) 10-year still-water levels.

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The project entailed raising streets, improving the storm water drainage system, installing check valves at outfalls, reconstructing waterfront/street-end bulkheads, roadway reconstruction, pavement restoration, replacing concrete curbs and sidewalks, catch basins, Maintenance & Protection of Traffic (MPT), landscaping, and agency coordination.

Project Details
Town of Hempstead / Office of Resilient Homes and Communities (previously the Governor's Office of Storm Recovery)
Hempstead, NY
Disaster Recovery