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NJ's Roseville Tunnel: Rehabilitation & Track Bed Work & Design-Build
The Roseville Tunnel in New Jersey was constructed in the early 1900s and is approximately 1,000 feet in length with approximately 85% unlined exposed rocks and remainder of concrete liner. The project includes final rehabilitation design and construction of the Roseville Tunnel and tunnel approaches including structural repairs, safe rail operations clearance, rock stabilization of the tunnel approaches, reducing water infiltration into the tunnel through roof and side walls upgrades, CCTV installation, and track bed preparation within the project limits. Since the project is surrounded by wetlands, the design involved a detailed erosion and sedimentation control plan, along with check dams and silt fences to prevent silting during construction.

Gedeon GRC Consulting served as the lead civil and traffic engineer responsible for all the civil/site and traffic engineering design aspects of the project including field assessment; utilities; MOT/MPT; stormwater management; Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP); erosion and sedimentation control plans; drainage; track bed detailing including integration of geometric layout, typical sections, cross sections, and clearances; grading; development of contract documents, construction support services; agency coordination; and permitting.

This area, surrounded by waterbodies, has been flooded in the past during heavy rains.  One of the project’s objectives was to alleviate if not eliminate the flooding. Gedeon GRC performed a comprehensive watershed analysis to determine the flow within the projects limits in order to adequately size the drainage system, consisting of ditches with perforated pipes through the tunnel. The drainage calculations were prepared pursuant to the NJDEP Best Management Practices Manual for the 2-year, 10-year, and 100-year events. In order to properly size the under-drain pipes, our team had to factor water percolating through the tunnel wall.

The design was performed on a fast-track schedule, requiring multiple submissions, and involved extensive coordination with all parties. Due to the quick nature of this project, special consideration was given to document controls using Bluebeam, Autodesk BIM 360, and Autodesk Construction Cloud to track/maintain deliverable schedules.

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At no cost to the client, Gedeon GRC is utilizing the Flyability Elios 3, a LiDAR equipped drone, to map the inside of the tunnel. Periodic scans of the site can be completed in under 30 minutes and converted into CAD models, enabling the contractor to confirm the site is being built according to the design specifications.

Project Details
NJ Transit
Byram, NJ