This project involved evaluating feasible alternatives for roadway and significant drainage improvements located on NYS Route 110 from the Madison Street / Prime Avenue intersection to Young’s Hill Road, a distance of 1.45 km (0.9 miles).
Scope of work entailed preliminary design services (Phases I-IV) associated with evaluating the feasible alternatives to roadway and drainage improvements. Preliminary design included but was not limited to the preparation of a Design Report, development of design alternatives with two (2) roundabouts, design and ROW survey and mapping, involvement in a Public Hearing and other public involvement activities, and evaluation of the social, economic and environmental impacts associated with the alternatives.
The final design stage involved: Maintenance and Protection of Traffic (MPT), signage and striping, grading, utilities, lighting, pavement markings, traffic signals, ADA ramps, landscaping, typical sections, as well as specifications and estimates.